Quest Super Once a Day
Quest Super Once a Day
- 小販
- Quest
Quest Super 每天一次定時釋放多種維生素和礦物質是一種優質的多種維生素和礦物質配方,可在單片中提供大劑量的營養。定時釋放形式可連續供應營養物質,確保每種成分的最大利用率。此補充劑的配方中含有全光譜的必需維生素和易於吸收的礦物質,還可最大限度地提高營養素的生物利用度和生理生物活性。
建議劑量:(成人)每日 1 片,隨餐服用,服藥前或服藥後數小時服用。
We understand the importance of timeliness to deliver your order to your door. Therefore, Paradisus Signature has product inventory stored at local warehouses throughout Canada and we have established an effective shipping network to promptly deliver your order.
- Most orders are delivered within 2-7 days
- When your order is ready to be shipped, we will send you a shipment confirmation email which will contain shipment details, your tracking number, and a link to track your package(s).
- Paradisus Signature ships exclusively within Canada
- Free Shipping for All Orders over $49.
- $2.95 Shipping Fee applies for All Orders under $49.